(Added to website 9/1/24)

Summary provided by RFRS Club Member

Article 1. General B. The Rules are intended to provide guidelines for the appropriate use of SBHOA#2's common areas and facilities as well as for the personal conduct of members, owners, renters, guests, contractors, employees and visitors to include all SaddleBrooke One Homeowners/Member and their guests and tenants while within the boundaries of SBHOA#2.

Article 1.03 Definitions of Terms E. Common Areas. Generally, those portions of SBHOA#2 real property and facilities that are owned by, or held for the benefit of SBHOA#2, and are not part of any residential lot. Refer to CC&Rs Article 1,O.

Article XI. Section 11.01 Political Activity A. Door-to-door political activity may include solicitations for support or opposition regarding candidates or ballot issues, circulation of candidates nominating petitions in support of, or opposition to, an initiative, referendum or recall of a public officer. Such activity is not allowed from sunset to sunrise.

No existing Rule regarding use of poolside sound projection equipment by Residents. 

Article VI Pools... M. Use of electronic devices projecting sound is strictly prohibited at the Main Pools, unless otherwise approved by the General Manager.