To see summaries of all the committee meetings this past month go to topics on the home page and click on the committee you are interested in.  

Meeting Leaders: Sherri Grupe and Denise Anthony~20 members (didn’t count) + Matt Kambic HOA2 BoD President also joined as a guest. 

 CCR’s Written by Robson many years ago with only minor updates since. Lack controls found in most other HOAs’ documents.  Need updates for resident approval vote for large (over a certain dollar amount) contracts, loans, any increase in POA > 10%?.  A project to update CCRs would likely discover other needs. (CCR changes presented and now determining path forward)

Reciprocal agreement Expires in 2028. Should we start now on renewal discussion?  Can we (should we) work together to optimize duplicative assets and amenities? Is full access to all HOA2 amenities still appropriate? (this agreement will figure into funding and costs in the future)

Website Update Work in progress.

Social Media Use GIO. Do not use Next Door as is public (including prospective residents) and includes other areas beyond SB 1 and 2.

Matt Kambic will motion during next board meeting to disallow committee and board member participation in social media.

Maintenance Facility on Sand Crest Discussion of status of facility.  

Committee Reports- CAM Clear cutting discussed.  Much resident distress. CAM Level 4 should be focus, not 4 and 5.  Follow HOA1 CAM policy (If it is landscaped it will stay that way.  If it is natural the HOA will allow it to remain and grow naturally)?-  

Budget Good process so far overall.  4 1⁄2 % increase for staff is appropriate, 4 1⁄2 % increase (in operating budget) across the board is not fiscally responsible.  No discussion of cost saving.

Finance 5-year plan walk thru this afternoon. Request for attendees. 

Discussion about developer reserves shortfalls (their business needs) for maintenance vs. reality for HOA2 following transition.

Yesterday’s Planning Task Force meeting was “I have a Dream” 

Golf - No report. 

Next months  RFRS Club business Meeting 9/26 10:00 AM MV West Ballroom