
Lee Leksell Chairman, Mike Karpe, Head Golf Professional and Troon Rep.

The meeting lasted two hours and many things were discussed in generalized terms so I will only give you the highlights as they pertain to our interests.  

Mike Karpe: Membership update: 84 annuals to date have signed up with I believe 29 new members. The Canyon Card has 130+ signup's with a goal of 350+.October had the Preserve at 1,066 rounds (down due to over seeding) and MV4,034 vs. 3,317 last year.  

To date MV 28,318 rounds and Preserve 24,981Daily Fee revenue for October: MV=$90K and Preserve=$28.8K . Mountain View beat budget by $29K

New superintendent for MV is set. Preserve to be interviewed.

Nov.23 UofA Womens Golf Team at MV for show and tell (semi clinic. 10-12PM 

Discussed gravel paths at MV driving range being an issue that needs to be addressed but recommendations did not make the 2025 budget cut.  

The Links: Board member wants it shut down immediately but Golf Committee is suggesting that they keep it going until May of 2025.