(Added to website 9/9/24)  

Common Area Maintenance Policy 5/19/2021 Level 4

Level 4 areas are the 8-foot strip of area behind or beside all residential CA walls that are not party walls or are not already included within the Level 1 and Level 3 areas.  For Level 4 areas the CA Staff shall:

4.01 Annually:

     (1) Inspect all CA walls not within Levels 1 and 3 areas. Report all the damage, deterioration and/or paint condition to Facilities. Repair is the responsibility of the Facilities Department.

     (2) Inspect the areas for other damage and report same to the CA Manager and within 30 days schedule repairs which are to be accomplished within the following 45 days.

     (3) Remove trash and debris.(4) Weed whack and/or spot spray invasive/noxious weeds. Suitable CA maintenance equipment is to be used versus hand labor wherever and whenever possible.

     (5) Brushes, shrubs, cactus:

          (a) Remove dead, damaged, and diseased items.

          (b) Trim and prune cactus, shrubs, and bushes to ensure areas are maintained.

     (6) Remove all pack rat nests within the Level 4 area when found during maintenance

     (7) Remove saplings as determined/identified by the CA Staff Supervisor and spray the root system as necessary to prevent/retard regrowth.

     (8) Trees:

          a) Trim and prune trees as necessary to maintain a healthy and proper structural appearance.
           b) Any trees that are within the 8-foot CA Level 4 maintenance strip or overhang a resident’s property will be selectively pruned. [Homeowner always retains the right to trim branches overhanging their property.]

     (9) Either remove all Level 4 trimming, pruning, trash and other debris or chip in-place and with grass debris, leave as weed deterrent and for decomposition of nutrients into the soil.

Common Area Maintenance Policy 5/19/2021 LEVEL 5

Level 5 areas are:  Level 5 Common Area maintenance work beyond the scope listed below may occur by Special Request of the homeowner and at their expense if approved by the CAMS.

     (1) From beyond one Level 4 maintenance strip to the outer edge of the opposing Level 4 maintenance strip where the one residential CA wall faces an opposing residential CA wall.

     (2) Beyond the Level 4 maintenance strip behind Golf Course residential lots to the Golf Course cart path or nominal fairway boundary as defined on the HOA2 map which shows all the defined areas.

     (3) The areas beyond the Level 4 CA maintained strips behind HOA2 perimeter residential lots out to a distance of 30feet or to the HOA2 property Line whichever is the shortest distance unless in the estimation of the CA Supervisor the maintenance of such area(s) or portion of the area(s) is not economically feasible or creates a safety hazard for the CA maintenance personnel.

     (4) A 30-foot strip beyond the Level 4 (CA maintained strip) behind residences that face the Level 6 landlocked areas within the residential community, i.e., non-perimeter lots (see the HOA2 map), unless the CA Supervisor determines that the maintenance of such area(s) or portion of that area is/are not economically feasible or creates a safety hazard for the CA maintenance personnel.  

For the Level 5 areas the CA staff or Designated Staff shall:

5.01 Annually This inspection and maintenance work would occur concurrently with that being done in Level 4common area.

     (1) Inspect these areas for dead plants, cactus and trees, trash and report the findings to the CA manager so that corrective action can be scheduled and taken within the following three (3)months unless life safety or eminent property damage conditions exist. In which case corrective action will be accomplished with 72 hours.

     (2) Remove trash and debris from the area.

     (3) For trees, cactus, shrubs, bushes:(a) Selectively remove dead and damaged and all diseased vegetation. 

          (a) Trim and prune plants, cactus, and bushes for the health of the vegetation and selectively remove volunteer trees.

          (b) Trim and prune, as necessary. Any tree that is within the 8-foot CA Level 4 maintenance strip or overhangs a resident’s property is to be selectively pruned. Homeowners also have the right to trim common area foliage overhanging into their lot vertically from the property line.

          (c) All trimming /pruning debris is to be removed from the area except grass debris is to remain or mulched/chipped for decomposition of nutrients for the soil.

     (4) Weeds: In conjunction with the other semi-annual HOA2 spraying operations, spot spray for noxious and invasive weeds as needed.

     (5) Semi-annually:
          (a) Inspect all erosion control measures in place.(b) Replace or add erosion control devices, as necessary.