(Added to website 9/28/24)

Summary Provided by RFRS Club Member

  • The main focus of the meeting was to continue to revise the draft CAM policy for Areas 4, 5, and 6. 
  • All level 4 and 5 people are working level 4. Maybe 2-3 more months
  • People on the committee didn’t like the wording that some activities were dependent on budget constraints. 
  • One person on committee didn’t want to do level 5 policy because there is no budget
  • 5 year plan needs to be done, CAM director will be working on this
  • The goals were to clarify the language and streamline excessive requirements so that an objective assessment could be made regarding compliance with the policy.
  • Key Issues:  Level 5 might need to extend beyond 30 feet in some areas based on invasives, erosion, or drainage issues near the boundary. 
  • Mulching and chipping guidelines for Level 5 were established at 6-8 inches based on current equipment.  (Unfortunately this is not realistic based on the machinery used and evident from the mulch we have so far seen after the mulcher has gone through.  See photos in gallery home page)
  • Regarding Special Requests from homeowners, all inquiries will be directed to the CA Director for review, approval, and scheduling with the contractor. 
    • Any large equipment would need to be approved by the Director. 
    • No chemicals are authorized to be used by contractors, only by CAM staff. 
  • It was proposed that when screening landscaping is removed, areas would be replanted. 
  • If volunteer plants are removed, CAM would consider homeowner input for new plants. 
  • Saplings, as defined by new shoots emerging from a stump, would be removed from Level 4.They would be evaluated for removal in Level 5. 
  • Volunteer plants, some up to 25 feet tall due to lack of maintenance, will be evaluated in Level 5 for density, desirability, disease, and potentially views. 
  • Added volunteer trees will be removed or kept at the CAM director’s discretion. Someone wanted treesthat are removed to be replaced. This is not feasible; we’ve had 20 years of volunteer trees grow and it is out of control.
  • Fines were proposed for homeowners using chemicals in the common area. Rules & Reg Committee is drafting a proposal for Board consideration. 
  • It was determined that CAM is responsible for all border fencing to prevent livestock from entering HOA2 property. 
  • Some of level 6 may contain invasives. These are open areas beyond level 4 and 5.Some of unit 14,15,17, and 42 are owned by Robson (water tank. 
  • It was estimated that the CAM staff would need to be doubled to address Level 6 areas annually.  Used same policy language as for level 4 
  • Given that this is unrealistic to address annualy the goal is to remove the backlog and address these areas within the next 3 to 5 years.  
  • The next CAM Committee meeting will review the draft CAM policy revisions.