(Added to website 9/1/24)

Summary Provided by RFRS Club Member


(next meeting 9/4/24 cactus room)

Discussion to change the policies to say Homeowners are not permitted in Common Areas (cited for our safety)

$$$$ According to Michael there are 250 trees that they cannot trim and will have to be out sourced  Will contact Forestry regarding policy for trees but it is really what the Board wants them to do that will set policy

 Redoing definitions for all of the CAM levels and expanding and defining into many more categories as well as the policies of care within those levels  Policies for Level 6 will be a future project. Land beyond the levels 4 and 5 and open areas bordered by exterior property lines. Also some land locked areas that are unsafe to maintain.

$$$$ Michael stated the Contractor (Santa Rita) will be clear cutting in level 4. Good news is as of this week he doesn’tthink it will take them as long as they thought so instead of $400K additional it might be only $200K. We will see .

Had Fire Inspectors out to see what they were doing. Inspector said from a fire standpoint they were pleased. Stated 8’ is sufficient for a fire break and in addition all but one home has a knee wall which is sufficient for a fire break and many have 5 ‘ walls. With rock yards, stucco homes, tile roofs, plentiful fire breaks with roads, golf courses etc. and good access and many hydrants they do not feel we are at risk. Bigger risk is trees in peoples yards with branches on roofs and vegetation and storage items up against the house. .


CAM is taking on all of the swales and culverts on both golf courses in addition to his in the Common Area Golf wants CAM to cut all trees within 5’ of cart path and any diseased ones cut down completely(no mention if any would ever be planted to replace)  Stated must follow the STATE statute and no cactus or trees come down unless diseased or infected w/mistletoe  

CAM committed to picking up significant amounts of acreage that had previously been maintained by golf throughout both courses. Not only clearing land but also much of the drainage areas as well. This is going to create a lot of additional work for CAM and I am sure additional costs although there was no mention of reducing the Golf budget to offset. 

 Golf is going to be responsible for spraying the ponds for mosquitoes.  

Large group of trees on Preserve hole 8 that Golf wants CAM to take down by the cart path and also on hole 11. However they want to keep the mistletoe laden trees on Preserve hole 6 because they frame the hole. Interesting that mistletoe is ok if it is in a tree someone wants.