(Added to website 9/1/24)

Summary Provided by RFRS Club Member

 Meeting of all the Chairpersons of each committee and Board Directors.  8 am prior to the monthly Board meeting.  

Matt Kambic stated he and the new COO (Darren) will be engaging immediately 1X/week to develop strategic plan, operating processes etc. He is expecting many changes.  Darren said he was going to be a sponge but there will be big changes coming.

$$$$ Budget Reforecast shows $500K shortfall and most due to golf.  

Troon - Have to let Troon Model be the model in order to hold them to accountability.  They need to perform for us to keep them. 

GOLF Chair - update MV/Preserve story boards, establish KPI's with Troon, created merchandise sales committee, reviews 30 year plan to sustain golf.

New Golf rate sheet to be approved at Sept Board meeting.  

Stated the Golf courses are playing fantastic and for the first time are receiving 5* reviews.  Play has increased dramatically.   

hydroseeding will be done again on open areas and the plants that were planned for will be installed.  Sand should also move out of parking lots. 

Matt Kambic - comment on transparency.  "The more you let people in the more disruptive they can be. "

Work is completed on a new Chair and committee charter template to create consistency across committees.,  Each Committee must complete by 4th qtr. 

Social Media guidelines not part of the template so will be determined by each individual charter as they see fit.

Finance Chair - 8/30 1st budget draft due.  9/12 share 1st draft with community.   Working on a living reserve study but not nearly completed. Because financials have not been completed in timely matter considering moving the Finance Committee Meetings to a later day in the month.  

Election Chair - Election timeline for Board of Directors is completed.  3 openings.  If we have 3 or fewer candidates there will be no need for election.

FWR Chair - Clubs can govern themselves except for Code of Conduct issues. Getting new starter blocks in pools financed by swim club.  $$$$ Cornhole will now require a forklift to place 600# blocks on to the court. 

CAM Chair brought up that golfers walking into the level 5 areas to retrieve a ball can pick up invasive seed and spread them so are considering maybe limiting Residents access to our common areas.  It does beg the question " If a golfer picks up enough to spread invasive seed then how much seed is spread from the heavy equipment mulching those invasive plants and releasing seed while accompanied by a full Crew on foot while traversing the entire community " ? 

Have applied for a $200K grant to eliminate invasive plants.  Looking to complete the new CAM policy by October.  Met w/fire inspector and have determined we have little to no fire danger.  level 4 most critical.  Working on finding company to do the new CAM map with updated details.  

Goals are to get policy right, eliminate ambiguity and update CAM map. 

Eileen will be writing a section for the Monday Messages EDUCATING the community on the benefits and vision of CAM

Shawne Cryderman - New format for the Monday Message beginning in September.