(Added to website 9/21/24)

Summary Provided by RFRS Club Member

  • Shawne announced we will hear from our new COO via video at the upcoming Board Meeting!

ALC Positions Update

  • Exploring the idea of creating full and partial ALC positions for our members. Think of it as a two-tier system
  • Members were asked to think about it and next meeting hear their thoughts on how to shape these roles and responsibilities.

Permit Application Changes

  • Permit Application Form was completed and approved by vote
    •  the wording throughout the document was changed from "I" to "Homeowner." This way, it’s clear that the homeowner is responsible for following all guidelines, whether they or their contractor signs.
  • Added also to the section stating No contractor materials can be placed on the road to expand designation to anywhere except on the homeowner’s property. This should help tackle issues we’ve had with contractors using empty Robson lots for staging and dumping.

Addressing ALC Violations

  • Working on a clear process for how the ALC will respond to violations, such as weeds, lights after 10 PM, and dead plants.
    1. Informational Notice: A friendly reminder without timelines or penalties—just a friendly reminder
    2. Courtesy Notice: This will give homeowners a timeframe to comply.
    3. Notice of Violation: A  formal notice including penalties if issues aren’t resolved within specified timeframe.