Summary Provided by RFRS Club Member

Written summaries by department describing what their department does and at the end of each are their budget requests for 2025. Well worth reading particularly the budget requests for personnel and for equipment.

$$$$ Across the board it appears all full time employees are automatically given a minimum of a 4% raise and most Directors asked for cost of living raises for their hourly staff.

$$$$ Common Area Maintenance (CAM) - Last year we gave CAM 2 extra employees and over $200,000 for equipment and told it would be sufficient to handle both level 4 and 5. For 2025 they are asking for 6 more employees and $189K-$343K in equipment and are saying this will still not be enough. Adding full clearing to level 5 took the acreage to be cleared and maintained annually from 20-25 acres and added almost another 200 acres. We couldn’t manage 20 and now we are looking at 10 times this. Please read the supporting arguments on this one. They compare their needs to that of the golf course and/or organic farming. Is it time to evaluate this plan? In addition to just severely underestimating costs when this project was introduced we also need to look at the fact that the CAM facility is bursting at the seams and now they want to add 6 more employee vehicles and 4 more 3⁄4 ton trucks. How? Where?

$$$$ Preserve Golf Course - for 2025 they are asking for a head pro to share 50/50 with MV course, a Director of Agronomy also shared 50/50, a full time Assistant Pro and one more employee to assist the mechanic and $236,530 in new equipment.$$$$ MV Golf Course - for 2025 they are asking for a head pro to share 50/50 with MV course, a Director of Agronomy also shared 50/50, a full time Assistant Pro and one more employee to assist the mechanic and $172,929 in new equipment.  Administration - Currently have 5 people on admin staff. They handle onboarding of new residents and answering questions for current residents. Focus on Communications and the Community Meeting Calendar. Are 5 people necessary to handle the responsibilities? Might be, but I don’t know their daily responsibilities so it is a question.

$$$$ Patrol - No additional staff but they do want to increase hourly wage by $1/hr above current. Asking for $9600 to replace existing speed signs, $3200 for a new speed sign and $2400 to install solar lights on 34 street signs.$$ Fitness - asking for $9,963 for a NuStep machine. Increasing monthly passes $15 in 2025 to $100

$$$$ Theatre/Lifestyle - lots of ideas on ways to try and increase revenues. However, they also have a total of$189,235 in wants. ($48K Catalina Room furniture, $42K DV curtains, $60K DV lighting, $60K Pres meeting room)

$$$$ IT - For 2025 they are asking for $90,000 to replace network gear and $3,500 for a copier/printer Marketing - Salary increases but no equipment for 2025. There seems to be a lot of crossover in responsibilities with the IT, admin and golf. Could this be streamlined? Would a freelance person make more sense then 2 full time? Maybe a cost/benefit analysis of this department? Can it be run more efficiently?

$$$$ Food & Bev - Ask for 2025 is $131,250 for carpet in MV and $144,898 to replace MV dining furniture. ($276,148)

$$$$ Facilities - For 2025 asking to add one employee, $70K sunshade at Preserve, $5.5-$7.5K storage boxes,$20-40Ktruck, $2-8K annually for new software program to manage invoices, inventory etc. (Total $100-120K equip/software)